KAPUAS - A fire in a densely populated residential area in Pulau Mambulau Village, Bataguh District, Kapuas Regency, Central Kalimantan, scorched eight residents' houses. The fire occurred in the residential area of Rukun Tetangga (RT) 02, Mambulau Island Village. The fire scorched eight houses, as well as five other houses affected by the disaster. The origin of the fire or the cause of the fire that hit the densely populated settlement located on the outskirts of the Kapuas river was unknown. Local residents panicked because the fire continued to grow, so it was feared it could spread to other areas. other houses. Residents also tried to save valuable items that they could still save. "The fire spread very quickly, because the building materials for many residents' houses are made of wood. So the fire easily spread to other residents' houses," he said, quoted by Antara.

There were no fatalities or injuries in this incident. The fire victims only suffered material losses because some valuables and buildings were burned down. The fire was extinguished about half an hour after the joint independent fire brigade team from Anjir and Kapuas came to try to extinguish the fire. And of course we are also concerned about the calamity that befell our residents, hopefully we can be steadfast in the face of the calamity that occurred," he said. His party has also collected data on residents who were affected by the fire accident. "The police have handled this fire, and we have also collected data on residents whose houses were burned down and who were affected," said Alfian.

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