MATARAM - A total of 3,108 people in Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara, received cash assistance from the Indonesian National Police. /2022 concerning the Distribution Mechanism of BTPKLWN (Cash Assistance for Street Vendors, Stalls, and Fishermen). "So, we provide direct assistance to recipients from street vendors, stall owners, and fishermen," said Syarif as quoted by Antara. The 3,108 recipients, he said, were compiled from activities carried out during the week. Each recipient received Rp600 thousand in cash. "For today's activity, assistance was given to 600 people. The distribution was carried out according to SPP (Distribution Notice) Number 15 to SPP Number 17," he said.

The letter, he said, was part of the administrative requirements of the government's program for the community. The distribution is carried out through the National Police with the target recipient from the community affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic. "So those who get it, we give an invitation. Those who are invited have been verified as recipients of aid funds," said Syarif. for data collection on COVID-19 vaccinations. If not, medical officers from the police will immediately facilitate the injection of vaccines. "Through this activity, we hope to be able to help the community, both in economic issues in the midst of a pandemic and 'herd immunity'," he said.

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