SAUDI ARABIA - The Prophet's Mosque in Medina was filled with worshipers who broke their fast and prayed tarawih on the first day of Ramadan 2022 or 1443 H that was set by the Saudi Arabian government on Saturday, April 2, local time.

"The congregational prayers have returned to normal, the rows are closed, the maximum capacity is maximum, but we are still advised to wear masks," said Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Asrorun Ni'am Sholeh via a short message received in Jakarta, Sunday, April 3.

Asrorun, who is currently in Medina, said that to visit an efficacious place such as Raudhah, which at every opportunity became the focus of the congregation so that it exploded, a registration model was implemented through an application and a queue was carried out for order.

Based on Asrorun's observation, the congregation was very orderly.

Asrorun said the Saudis started fasting with a Government Decree through the results of rukyah. The method and practice of stipulation is the same as in Indonesia, except that all Muslims follow Government Decrees.

During the first iftar at the Prophet's Mosque, the congregation held a joint iftar provided by the mosque takmir and the muhsinin.

"I also joined breaking the fast together. Without talking. The appeal to break fast without talking can be practiced at the Prophet's Mosque during breaking time," he continued, as reported by Antara.

Tonight's tarawih congregation filled the mosque to the fullest. The Prophet's Mosque, which has a capacity of one million worshipers, is full. When the capacity is full, the officers swiftly direct them to the roof top and in the courtyard of the mosque.

Asrorun admitted that he was part of the congregation who were prevented from entering and ended up praying Tarawih in the courtyard, even though they arrived before Isha time. Tarawih is performed with 11 rak'ahs, and during witr recite Qunut.

When the call to prayer, congregational prayers and tarawih prayers are carried out, external loudspeakers are used with a very wide range so that the syiar can be felt.

Traders and business people in the vicinity of the Prophet's Mosque, when it was time for prayer, temporarily closed their shops and temporarily suspended their business activities.

In addition, during Ramadan in Medina, there are no restaurants open on the grounds that people are not fasting. "I enjoy a serene Ramadan," he said.

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