JAKARTA - Various violations of the COVID-19 anti-pandemic health protocol in China have occurred in the past month, even an officer has become a victim of public anger.

A man surnamed Wen was sentenced to nine months in prison for stabbing an officer who arranged the queue for a mass PCR test and vandalizing various facilities in Liaoning Province.

The incident was the first major criminal case this year in China, local news sites monitored from Beijing said Saturday.

In Guangdong province, a man was arrested after helping to pass several people from Hong Kong into mainland China, GICExpat reported.

The 36-year-old man is known to be very familiar with the intricacies of people smuggling routes in the southern region of China, which is separated by a small river from Hong Kong.

Meanwhile, in Fujian Province hundreds of people were forced to undergo quarantine as a man who tested positive for COVID-19 fled Shanghai.

A total of 201 passengers on the train number D-3205 from Shanghai to Putian, Fujian Province, on March 28 were declared the man's close contacts and required to be quarantined.

His wife and a taxi driver tested positive for PCR as a result of contracting the man.

He went to Shanghai on March 15. Ten days later, the man developed flu-like symptoms. On March 27 the result was positive, but he still went home to Putin by train the next day.

The case caught the attention of Weibo account users in China.

A doctor in Shanghai has been dismissed for refusing to lend his medical device to an asthmatic in a closed residential area. The patient eventually died due to late treatment.

On Friday (1/4), in China there were 2,086 new cases, up from Thursday (31/3) which was only 1,787 new cases, according to data released by China's National Health Commission (NHC), Saturday.

The most new COVID-19 cases identified as local Omicron came from Jilin with 1,730 cases, Shanghai (260), and Heilongjiang (21).

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