TEGAL - The West Coast of Central Java finally has a cardiac catheterization laboratory (Cath-lab) with adequate equipment to serve heart disease patients. The cat-lab is located at the RSUD dr Soeselo, Slawi, Tegal Regency and was inaugurated by the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, last Friday, April 1.

Ganjar said, the establishment of the cardiac catheterization laboratory was a long struggle between RSUD Dr. Soeselo Slawi and the Tegal Regency Government. After collaboration between the Central Java Provincial Government, Central Java DPRD, Tegal Regency Government, Dr Soeselo Slawi Hospital and Bhamada University, finally the construction and procurement of heart health equipment can be realized.

"It was a long struggle and collaboration. So the hospital and the regent needed equipment to treat those with heart disease. In Pantura this tool was not available, so at that time various efforts from the district were carried out. Thank God someone from the Central Java Provincial DPRD also helped and I provided equipment assistance I said the aid should not be separated, put it together so that it can be encouraged to buy equipment worth around Rp. 16.5 billion," said Ganjar after inaugurating and reviewing the Cath-lab of RSUD Dr. Soeselo Slawi in a written statement, Saturday, April 2.

The existence of the Cath-lab, Ganjar continued, is expected to provide maximum service to the community. Especially related to heart health services. Moreover, the Cath-lab and the tools in it are the only ones in the West Coast of Central Java.

"Now it's the hospital's job to serve. Not only to serve the sick but to educate them to prevent it. This tool is quite sophisticated and as long as no one has a pantura, it is only here, so that later people can use it so that it can be handled if they have heart disease," explained Ganjar.

Ganjar also briefly told how the cases of heart disease in the Tegal Regency and surrounding areas are quite large and require serious services. Even several regional heads in Tegal Regency also have a history of heart disease.

"Several times, this treatment is needed because cases have also occurred in several places. Including the leaders in Tegal Regency. So this tool can help so that everyone can be healthy," he concluded.

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