JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the Task Force for Handling COVID-19 Wiku Adisasmito said that currently there are 20 districts / cities that have a death toll of more than 100 cases of COVID-19.

Wiku did not explain the mortality rate for each region. From the first place with the highest mortality rate is the city of Surabaya.

Followed by the cities of Semarang, Central Jakarta, Sidoarjo, West Jakarta, East Jakarta, Makassar, South Jakarta, Medan, Gresik, North Jakarta, Palembang, Balikpapan, Malang, Banjarmasin, Demak, Pasuruan, Manado, Mataram, and Kudus.

"There are still as many as 20 districts / cities in Indonesia that have a death rate of more than 100 people. This is for our common concern so that the death rate can be better reduced, so that the number is zero," Wiku said in the Presidential Secretariat Youtube account, Tuesday, 29 September.

Wiku asked the city or district governments that are included in the 20 regions with the highest death rates to increase their attention in handling COVID-19 cases.

"The main thing is to pay attention to cases with moderate and severe symptoms so that they can be treated as early as possible," said Wiku.

He advised people who experience symptoms of COVID-19 to go to a doctor immediately and be treated immediately before the symptoms get worse.

In addition, there are 384 districts / cities out of a total of 514 or 74.7 percent that have low mortality rates, ranging from 1 to 10 case deaths.

"Thank you to the 384 regencies and cities that have succeeded in reducing the death rate because each of these is a life and we have to really be able to suppress this death rate well," he said.

Meanwhile, in the development of weekly COVID-19 death cases, there has been a slight increase in the death rate this week, which is 0.2 percent from last week.

As of today, the number of positive cases has increased by 4,002 cases, so that the accumulation is 282,724 cases. The number of active cases as of today is 61,686 or 21.8 percent, while the world's active cases is 22.8 percent.

Meanwhile, 3,567 cases were recovered, bringing the total to 210,437. Then, there was an increase in positive cases who died by 128, bringing the total to 10,601.

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