JAKARTA - The TNI Commander General Andika Perkasa has lifted the ban on descendants of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) from participating in the recruitment or selection process for TNI soldiers.

This was emphasized by Commander Andika during a meeting to accept TNI soldiers including TNI Academy Cadets, TNI Career Soldiers Officers, TNI Career Private Officers and TNI Career Soldiers for Fiscal Year 2022. The meeting was attended by the Head of the TNI, Inspector General of the TNI and the Dankodiklat TNI.

Initially, Panglima Andika received explanations regarding the mechanism for accepting TNI soldiers, ranging from mental ideological, psychological, academic tests, physical fitness, to health. However, when asked about the question regarding the recruitment description for TNI soldiers, Panglima Andika asked for a detailed explanation.

"We report for ideological mental selection, or personnel research. Please ask permission about the recruitment description question," said one member of the meeting reporting to Panglima Andika, quoted from General TNI Andika Perkasa's YouTube account.

"Where's the list, let's just discuss it one by one, so we can fix it, you know," said Panglima Andika.

"Okay number 4 what will be judged, if he has what offspring?" asked Commander Andika.

"Perpetrators from the events of 65-66," answered one member of the TNI.

"That means failure, in what form, what is the legal basis?" asked Commander Andika.

"Permission, TAP MPRS Number 25," said the member again.

Panglima Andika then asked the TNI member to explain in more detail the TAP MPRS 25/1966 which he mentioned. Including the prohibitions contained in the regulation.

"What is prohibited in TAP MPRS number 25. One is communism, the teachings of communism, communist organizations or underbow organizations from the communists in 65," explained the member.

"Are you sure? Look for it, open the internet now. I'll tell you another thing, TAP MPRS Number 25 Year 66. Declaring the PKI as a forbidden organization, no underbow words of any kind, declaring Communism, Leninism, Marxism as forbidden teachings. That contents," answered Commander Andika.

Panglima Andika requested that the legal basis for the prohibition be clear. He emphasized that there was no legal basis for the selection of TNI soldiers, and that descendants of the PKI were banned.

"This is a legal basis, it's legal, but earlier what was banned was the PKI. The second was the teachings of communism, Marxism, Leninism. That's what was written. These descendants violated the MPRS TAP, violated what legal basis, what was violated by him," said the Commander in Chief Andika.

The TNI member then agreed with Commander Andika's statement regarding the legal basis as well as changes to the selection mechanism for accepting TNI soldiers.

"So don't make it up. I am a person who obeys laws and regulations. Remember this. If we prohibit, make sure we have a legal basis. In my time there were no more descendants from what [PKI] or not, for what? I used a legal basis. Okay! " he insisted.

In addition to allowing PKI descendants to participate in the selection process for TNI soldiers, Panglima Andika also abolished the swimming test in the selection of physical fitness points, agility points, and in the academic field, taking the scores of prospective participants based on the transcript of the last educational diploma.

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