JAKARTA - Hundreds of stalls belonging to traders in Lenggang Jakarta, precisely in the IRTI area of the National Monument (Monas), Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan, Gambir, Central Jakarta, were burnt down. It is known, the fire began to appear on Thursday, March 31, at dawn.

"There were 166 souvenir stalls and 6 culinary stalls that caught fire," said Head of Central Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept. Asril Rizal to reporters, Thursday, March 31.

Central Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept. received reports from residents that there was a fire at around 05.20 WIB.

"There were 8 units of fire engines were deployed to the location to extinguish the fire. The operation to extinguish the fire started at 05.20 WIB and was successfully extinguished at 05.50 WIB," he said.

From the results of the temporary investigation, the fire is suspected to have originated from an electrical short circuit.

"All of the objects that were burned were merchant kiosks. There were no casualties in this fire incident," he said.

According to eyewitness information, he continued, the fire was suspected to have arisen from one of the shoe and bag sales stalls.

"Then the fire spread quickly due to a lot of combustible materials. The area of the object that burned was about 600 square meters with an estimated loss of 1.2 billion," he said.

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