JAKARTA - The COVID-19 pandemic increases suicide in Japan. The authorities have raised calls for residents to contact the hotline for suicide prevention.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato spoke about this. He did not mention any specific cases. However, the government's concern is believed to have occurred due to a series of suicides by public figures in Japan, including the death of Miss Sherlock's film star, Yuko Takeuchi, which shocked the Japanese public recently.

"There has been an increase in the number of suicides since July. We have to acknowledge the fact that so many people are taking their precious lives," Kato said, quoted by CNA, Monday, September 28.

Before Takeuchi, a popular Japanese actress, Sei Ashina also died of suicide on 14 September. Others, before Ashina, Japanese actor Haruma Miura also committed suicide last July.

Reality show star, Hana Kimura also finished himself off. The news of Hana Kimura's suicide was even discussed by the world because the suicide attempt was made after the abuse she experienced.

Meanwhile, Japan noted that suicide cases had increased by 15.3 percent from the previous year in August. The total number of those who committed suicide is more than 1,900 cases. To that end, the Japanese government has made every effort to prevent suicides.

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