JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria explained that ticket sales for watching Formula E have not yet been opened. The Formula E race will be held in 67 days.

Riza said BUMD PT Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro) as the organizer still needs time to finalize the calculation of the ticket nominal from infrastructure preparation to studies of Formula E implementation in other countries.

"Perhaps Jakpro is calculating the right time while also preparing the infrastructure. The committee has taken into account, as well as conducting studies in other countries. Hopefully, the exact number and ticket prices will soon be announced," said Riza at DKI City Hall, Tuesday, March 29. .

Riza also responded to the implementation of Formula E in Vancouver, Canada, which held a race a month after Formula E in Jakarta but had opened ticket sales.

Riza emphasized that the readiness in Jakarta and Canada cannot be compared. Canada, said Riza, has experience holding Formula E before in 2017.

"So, Canada is already more experienced. We also learn from countries that have organized it," he said.

For information, Jakpro has not announced the opening of ticket sales for the Formula E event until now. In fact, previously tickets to watch the race were planned to be opened this month.

In response to this, the chairman of the PSI faction of the DKI DPRD, Anggara Wicitra Sastroamidjojo, considers that the DKI Provincial Government is not ready to hold Formula E which will be held on June 4, 2022.

Anggara also compared the immaturity of Formula E preparation in Ancol with Formula E in Vancouver and New York. Formula E will be held there in mid-July 2022 and currently tickets for spectators have gone on sale.

"Take a look at the race series in Vancouver and New York. Formula E will be held in mid-July 2022, but tickets have been on sale since this month, 4 months before the event. We are holding it in June, but ticket sales are not yet available. Then the sales schedule has been postponed. That means It's only been less than two months of promotion. Is that enough?" peck him.

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