KALBAR - Bengkayang Resort Police, West Kalimantan Regional Police, invites people in their jurisdiction to work together to prevent forest and land fires (karhutla).

"Currently, its members continue to be active in inviting and giving appeals to the community. One of them is by visiting residents to convey direct warnings regarding the dangers of forest and land fires," said Siding Sector Police Chief Ipda Bambang Rudiyanto when contacted in Bengkayang, Tuesday 29 March.

He explained that his party had ordered every member of Bhabinkamtibmas in all his areas to carry out socialization. According to him, the problem of forest and land fires must be tackled together.

"Of course we also ask every citizen to be able to minimize land clearing by the burning method. Especially if it is done in the dry season which can have a bad impact on environmental conditions," he explained.

He also hopes that in the future the community will be more aware of land management by reducing burning activities. So that karhutla disasters such as those that occurred in previous years can be handled as early as possible.

"The impacts of forest and land fires are numerous, ranging from the health of residents being disturbed, to economic activities, such as aviation and pollution. I would like to invite the community to reduce land clearing activities by burning, and switch to other methods. So as to minimize the smog that causes can affect all aspects," he said.

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