JAKARTA - Gusti Ayu Dewanti alias Dea has been named a suspect in the alleged pornography case. In fact, it's been a year since Dea uploaded pornographic content to the OnlyFans platform.

"From the initial examination, it has been going on for one year (uploading pornographic content, ed)," said Director of the Special Criminal Investigation of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Auliansyah Lubis to reporters, Tuesday, March 29.

Based on the results of the examination, Dea confessed to investigators that he did this because he got a big profit. At least tens of millions can be pocketed by Dea every month.

"The income is around Rp. 15 to Rp. 20 million per month," he said.

However, regarding allegations that Dea used other platforms to upload pornographic content, Auliansyah said that until now investigators have not found this. However, development is still being carried out by him.

"If we haven't found another platform from the person concerned, we will certainly distribute it on OnlyFans," said Auliansyah. Dea OnlyFans has been named a suspect in the alleged pornography case. However, investigators decided not to arrest him. Meanwhile, Dea was arrested by the Polda Metro Jaya at his home, Malang, East Java on Thursday, March 24, the night.

The arrest of the content creator is suspected to be related to the distribution of pornographic content. Because, Dea is known to sell photos and videos on the OnlyFans site.

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