JAKARTA - The police are cracking down on illegal car racing that goes viral on social media. The man with the initials RN who was involved in the speeding action was prosecuted with a ticket.

Based on the recording uploaded by the latest Instagram account @ jakarta., two white and yellow Brio cars were lined up in the middle of the road. The actions of the two drivers also caused a traffic jam

The two drivers of the car seemed to want to accelerate. Until finally, not long after, the two cars drove at quite high speeds.

Director of the Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yogo, said the illegal racing took place on Jalan Pemuda, Central Jakarta, or to be precise in front of the TVRI Building, on Thursday, September 17.

"There has been an action against a person with the initials RN who is the driver of the white Brio car," Sambodo told reporters, Monday, September 28.

From the results of the examination, RN admitted that he did not know the yellow Brio rider. Because, the meeting with the rider was only during the tough racing action.

"Until now, the identities of the cars and other drivers who took part in the race with the RN brothers are still being investigated by our side," he said.

Dozens of Car Tickets

The police take action against other drivers regarding the viral wild racing. It was recorded that 11 riders were ticketed because they were involved in illegal racing on Saturday, September 26.

"That's right (11 riders), Sat Pamwal Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya has ticketed 11 cars that did illegal races on Jalan Pemuda in front of TVRI, Central Jakarta," said Sambodo.

Not only the prosecution was in the form of a ticket, said Sambodo, several cars were also forcibly transported. This is because motorists cannot address the completeness of the vehicle documents. But it was not specified how many cars were transported.

"The evidence confiscated from the offender, namely his SIM or STNK and some of the cars were confiscated because at the time of the ticket they could not show their STNK," said Sambodo.

In a ticketing, the motorists violated Article 297 of Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation.

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