JAKARTA - The suspect in the alleged pornography case, Gusti Ayu Dewanti alias Dea OnlyFans, has completed the mandatory reporting process. Dea OnlyFans also promised to cooperate with the applicable legal procedures to apologize to all Indonesian people.

"Here, I just want to cooperate with the existing legal process," said Dea to reporters, Monday, March 28.

Regarding his apology, Dea said his act of uploading indecent photos and videos had caused a commotion. So, as a suspect he must be held accountable.

"I also want to apologize to all Indonesian people for causing chaos everywhere," he said.

"I'm also trying to be tougher to face all these problems in the future," he continued.

Finally, Dea did not forget to ask for prayers to all parties. So, they can go through the case firmly until everything is finished.

"And I just ask for his prayers so that I will be given the strength and this problem will be resolved quickly," he said.

Dea OnlyFans has been named a suspect in a suspected pornography case. This determination is based on the results of the examination and the title of the case.

Meanwhile, Dea was arrested by the Polda Metro Jaya at his home, Malang, East Java on Thursday, March 24, the night.

The arrest of the content creator is suspected to be related to the distribution of pornographic content. Because, Dea is known to sell photos and videos on the OnlyFans site.

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