JAKARTA - Deputy Mayor of Semarang Hevearita Gunaryanti Rahayu, who is familiarly called Ita, said that cooking with methods other than frying was more practical and did not take long. Not only that, cooking by boiling or steaming is healthier than fried.

He conveyed this when met on the sidelines of a cooking demonstration without cooking oil held at the PDIP Party School, Lenteng Agung, South Jakarta, Monday, March 28.

He then gave an example when making vegetable lodeh, Ita said, this dish does not take long to make. Because all the ingredients are just mashed and put in then boiled.

"It's easier, because you don't need to stir-fry. I think I'll just put it in the lodeh vegetable cooking demonstration later," said Ita, who will be doing a cooking demonstration at the event.

In addition to just adding spices to boil, lodeh can be added with eggs and vegetables added at the end.

"If you're sautéing, you have to put it back in the pan. If you cook it without oil, you just need to put in the side dishes, the eggs, just add the vegetables and they're done," he said.

"I just finished cooking for half an hour. So it's faster and healthier, it's also more practical," he added.

Deputy Mayor of Semarang Hevearita Gunaryanti Rahayu

Besides Ita, PDIP DPC from DKI Jakarta, Bekasi, Tangerang to Banten also presented various dishes ranging from baked to steamed.

For example, from the DPP PDIP's stand for the Tourism Sector, they displayed food ranging from Sego Bakar Sambal Mangut, Djadoel Bowl Cake, Semarangan Grilled Milkfish, Breadfruit Kolak Ice, to Lodeh Vegetables.

Then there is also Pepes Gourami Pete served by DPC PDIP Bekasi. Just like other dishes, this dish is made without using cooking oil from palm oil and without frying.

In addition to food, PDIP also showcases the manufacture of klentik oil. The oil is made from coconut. Coconut milk is cooked in a frying pan until it becomes oil.

As previously reported, the PDIP DPP held a cooking demonstration without cooking oil to follow up on the instructions of the PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri. In addition, this cooking demonstration event is a place for collaboration as well as a show of creativity in culinary processing for party cadres in the Greater Jakarta area.

Not only that, the Chairperson of the PDI-P DPP for Tourism, Wiryanti Sukamdani, explained that this cooking demonstration was held to show that Indonesia is a country rich in food and there are many ways to process food ingredients into delicious and nutritious dishes.

“And without having to depend on cooking oil. We can process food by boiling, steaming, baking and smoking. The polemic about cooking oil does not make us have to innovate and be creative,” said Wiryanti.

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