JAKARTA - Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, answered the news about the procurement of curtains at the member's office (RJA) in Kalibata, which had a budget of Rp 48.7 billion.

Dasco explained that the DPR has prepared a budget of Rp 48,745,624,000 because the curtains at RJA Kalibata have not been replaced for 7 years.

"From 2015 until now, the official residence has never been replaced. So some of the curtains are still there, some are not," said Dasco at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday, March 28.

"Well, because of the insufficient budget yesterday, it was decided this year to replace it with an open auction, and that was also at the suggestion of the Secretariat General of the DPR who received member complaints, not only this period, but also the previous period," he continued.

Dasco said the curtains were needed because many members of the DPR occupy the office.

"The percentage between those who do not occupy and those who occupy, I think, is more occupied because many of these are from the regions, we have checked that," he said.

The daily chairman of the Gerindra DPP also explained about the asphalt budget in the parliament building. According to him, the asphalt in the DPR area has been re-paved many times until it was decided to pave it in its entirety with a budget of Rp 11 billion.

This asphalting has also been proposed for a long time by the Secretariat General of the DPR. Moreover, there are plans to attend the delegation of dozens of countries to the Parliament Complex in July.

"This was proposed by the secretary general but it has been a long time. The road in the DPR has been re-coated many times but then it was decided that it must be paved in its entirety because later in July there will be delegates of about 38 or 40 countries who will come to the DPR," said Dasco.

"Of course we want the impression on our parliament is also not good. Yes, you can see for yourself the journalists later, what kind of asphalt is this," he continued.

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