JAKARTA - The Russian Armed Forces destroyed four Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles in the past 24 hours, including a drone flying towards Sevastopol over the Black Sea, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov said on Saturday.

"Three Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were destroyed over Balakleya, Kiev and Chernigov on the last day. In addition, a Ukrainian drone flying over the Black Sea towards Sevastopol also crashed," he said, launching TASS 27 March.

Maj. Gen. Konashenkov further explained that Russian air defenses also dropped a Ukrainian Mil Mi-24 helicopter over the settlement of Staraya Basan.

Not only that, the Russian Aerospace Forces destroyed 91 Ukrainian military facilities in the past 24 hours, including two command posts and two electronic warfare stations, Konashenkov said.

"Tactical and military aircraft targeted 91 Ukrainian military facilities in the past 24 hours, including two command posts, 11 field ammunition depots, two electronic warfare stations, as well as 20 forts of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and 52 storage areas for military equipment," he said.

He added that the Russian Armed Forces had succeeded in destroying 271 drones and 1,627 tanks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces since the start of special military operations in Ukraine.

"A total of 271 drones, 1,627 tanks and other armored fighting vehicles, 167 multiple rocket launchers, 669 field artillery and mortar guns, as well as 1,474 special military vehicles have been destroyed since the start of special military operations," he said.

It is known, Russia started the invasion of Ukraine after receiving the green light from President Vladimir Putin on February 24, to carry out demilitarization and denazification, without wanting to occupy territory and not targeting civilians.

Meanwhile, Ukraine and the West have called it just a pretext for an attack, with various sanctions imposed on Russia as a decisive action. Thousands of people died and were injured, while millions more were forced to flee the war that has been going on for a month.

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