JAKARTA - The government is getting serious about working on a food estate . In fact, in the near future the government plans to develop a food estate covering an area of 61,000 hectares covering the districts of Humbang Hasundutan, Tapanuli Tengah, North Tapanuli and Pakpak Bharat with the main commodities of horticultural crops, plantations and herbs.

Coordinating Deputy for Environment and Forestry Management at the Coordinating Ministry for Forestry, Marves Nani Hendiarti, said that the field survey was conducted on September 20 to 24. The goal is to inspect the location of the first phase of 4,000 hectares and see the environmental features of the location that will be used as the food estate area.

In addition, the integrated team also ensures that the delineation of these areas does not cross the boundaries of protected forests or other conservation areas.

This integrated team consists of the Coordinating Ministry for Marves, KLHK, BPPT, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of ATR / BPN, Ministry of PUPR, Pemprov of North Sumatra and the ranks of Humbang Hasundutan Regency Government.

Nani said, in 2020 the government will focus on developing a 1,000 hectare agricultural center of excellence which will be a place for technology storefronts and modern agricultural training centers in Indonesia by prioritizing ecosystem-based development.

Furthermore, he explained, this land will also be a pilot area for how the pattern of cooperation between farmers and investors is provided with assistance from the Ministry of Agriculture and Humbang Hasundutan Regency Government.

"Together we must prepare a master plan for the development and management of the North Sumatra food estate program. There must be communication between ministries and institutions to discuss the plans and stages that need to be taken to map out what steps we can take in the future," he said, in a written statement. received by VOI, Saturday, September 26.

This food estate program will also be integrated with the Herbal and Horticultural Science Technology Park (TST-H2). It is hoped that this integration program in addition to utilizing less optimal land management so far, can also improve the welfare of North Sumatra farmers.

This year, the Ministry of Agriculture will manage 215 hectares which will become food estate land and 785 hectares will be collaborated with private investors. Commodities such as garlic, onions and potatoes will be planted from this land area.

Nani said, socialization and assistance had also been carried out to approximately 250 farmers in land management in the food estate areas used, and this number would continue to grow along with the development of the North Sumatra food estate.

This activity also involved academics from ITB, IPB, UGM, IT-DEL, University of North Sumatra, Tapanuli University and the Polytechnic of Agricultural Development.

"After we have succeeded in managing the food estate land in Humbahas, our next big plan in 2021 is the development of a North Sumatra food estate so that not only one district, but we can help other districts through this program," he said.

For your information, there are already several potential investors for food estate in North Sumatra, including large companies such as PT Indofood, PT Champ and PT Calbe Wings.

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