JAKARTA - The Narcotics Investigation Unit of the Mataram City Police, West Nusa Tenggara, arrested a tofu businessman with the initials MM (28). The man from Abian Body is suspected of circulating methamphetamine.

"We arrested the person concerned when we wanted to make a transaction with a prospective buyer at a boarding house," said Head of the Narcotics Unit of the Mataram Police, Kompol I Made Yogi Purusa Utama, Thursday, March 24, quoted from Antara.

The boarding house which was the location of the arrest on Wednesday (23/3) night was strongly suspected of being a hotbed for MM to conduct drug transactions.

This allegation was corroborated by the findings of four clips of crystal methamphetamine ready to be circulated weighing up to 3.68 grams and a man with the initials SH who was suspected of being a potential buyer.

"From the search in one of the boarding houses, we helped secure electric scales and equipment to package methamphetamine, such as scissors, bundles of clear plastic clips that were still empty," he said.

Furthermore, the police have made progress on the arrests of the two. By tracing the communication on their cellphones, the police moved to two development sites.

The first location is in the Sapta Marga area, Cakranegara District, Mataram City. From that location, the police arrested two people with the initials LG and a woman with the initials NA.

"From a search at the second TKP, we only found the remains of tools for consuming shabu, there was also a bundle of empty clips," he said.

Meanwhile, at the third TKP, the police expanded into the Pagutan Housing Area, Mataram City. However, the police did not find anyone from the house and any evidence related to drugs.

"We searched it, but it was empty," he said.

From the disclosure of the case, the police are now investigating the four perpetrators. There is an allegation that MM is a suspected shabu dealer, being part of a large-scale drug trafficking network.

"We will explore this network from MM further. We will trace it from his personal 'mobile phone' communication," said Yogi.

As for the other three, they are still in the process of deepening their roles.

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