NTB - Governor of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province Zulkieflimansyah officially opened the Socialization of RAN PASTI (National Action Plan for the Acceleration of Indonesia's Stunting Rate Reduction) in NTB 2022 which took place at the Golden Palace Hotel, Mataram City - NTB on Wednesday 23 March 2022.

In his remarks, Governor Zulkieflimansyah said that although the stunting prevalence rate in NTB was quite high, above 30 percent. To overcome this, NTB continues to develop 4 (four) strategies and a number of integrated stunting action programs, namely increasing human resources, improving the quality of PMBA, increasing nutrition education and strengthening nutrition interventions at the Puskesmas and Posyandu.

He explained that the four strategies were accompanied by a promotion program for Infant and Child Feeding (IPM) counseling, promotion and counseling on breastfeeding as well as monitoring the growth and development of infants and children. Also the provision of blood-supplementation tablets (TTD) for pregnant women and adolescents as well as the provision of vitamin A and other additional foods for pregnant women and toddlers.

"NTB focuses on strengthening nutrition with a life cycle approach of the First 1000 Days of Life (HPK) and adolescents. In addition, the NTB Provincial Government is also assisted by the millennial generation who are not only the subject of this program, but also as partners who are ready to be invited to collaborate in solving nutritional problems. and stunting in NTB," said Zulkieflimansyah.

Furthermore, the Governor of NTB said that the socialization of RAN PASTI was to further strengthen coordination and understanding on the mechanism of work procedures, monitoring, reporting, evaluation and stunting funding scenarios in NTB. In this case, the BKKBN was given the task by the President as the controller of stunting prevention in the country.

"The socialization of RAN PASTI is important considering that the BKKBN is finalizing RAN PASTI with an approach to families at risk of stunting," he said.

Meanwhile, virtually, the Head of BKKBN Dr (HC) dr. Hasto Wardoyo, Sp.OG (K)., as the Chief Executive of the Central Stunting Reduction Acceleration Team (TPPS) said that it was natural for the NTB Province to apply "Main Priority" in overcoming the stunting problem. NTB is one of the 12 priority provinces that have the highest prevalence of stunting in the country in 2022.

Based on the Indonesian Nutrition Status Study (SSGI) 2021 data, half of the regions in NTB are "Red" or have a stunting prevalence of more than 30 percent. To be precise, 5 regions have red status and 5 regions have yellow status or have stunting prevalence between 20 to 30 percent. 5 Districts and cities with “yellow” status with a prevalence of 20 to 30 percent, sorted from highest to lowest prevalence include Sumbawa, West Lombok, Mataram City, Bima City and West Sumbawa. In fact, Sumbawa with a prevalence of 29.7 percent is almost in the red category.

East Lombok Regency is the largest “Red” area in NTB because it has a stunting prevalence of 37.6 percent. This means that out of 100 toddlers in East Lombok, almost 38 of them are classified as stunting. Together with East Lombok, North Lombok, Central Lombok, Bima and Dompu, they are in red status with stunting prevalence above 30 percent.

"BKKBN has prepared 200,000 Family Assistance Teams consisting of midwives, PKK and family planning cadres or other development cadres in the village. Thus, this number is equivalent to 600,000 people. They will be trained and accompanied by prospective brides / prospective couples of childbearing age, pregnant women , Mothers during pregnancy intervals, and children aged 0-59 months," said Hasto.

"The role of the Family Assistance Team in the regions is so important because they are at the forefront," he added.

Hasto emphasized that this socialization event is a strategic indicator of stunting reduction which will be one of the parameters for the success of regional heads in the welfare of their citizens and spurring regional development progress.

On the same occasion, BKKBN Principal Inspector Ari Dwikora Tono said stunting reduction was not only the responsibility of the BKKBN, but was the joint responsibility of several ministries/agencies as well as the Regional Government which had a major role in reducing stunting.

Ari Dwikora revealed that stunting is caused by several things, but the main thing that often causes stunted children is the health of their partners. Ari Dwikora advised young people and millennials who are getting married so that the couple pays attention to their health and diet.

"The socialization of RAN PASTI which was held by the BKKBN in NTB is to ensure a shared commitment in accelerating the reduction of the stunting rate so that it is in line with the national target of achieving a stunting rate of 14 percent in 2024 in accordance with President Joko Widodo's commitment," concluded Ari Dwikora.

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