JAKARTA - The government has officially provided internet data quota assistance to support the implementation of distance learning (PJJ) during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim ensures that all students, university students and educators receive this assistance. If the quota has not been received, Nadiem asks to immediately report it to the principal of each school.

"If you still have not received quota assistance, the first step is to immediately report to the principal or head of the education unit and the existing operators," Nadiem said in a virtual press conference, Friday, September 25.

Nadiem said that the principal was obliged to follow up if there were students who had not received free internet quota assistance to support online learning during the pandemic.

Because, in this program, the principal is the maker of a Statement of Absolute Responsibility (SPTJM) to the Ministry of Education and Culture.

"If there is an issue that you have not received it, immediately report the principal and the school operator because they are responsible for the accuracy of the numbers," said Nadiem.

Nadiem explained, the obstacles that usually occur if students and educators have not received the free internet quota means that there is an error in inputting the number or the telephone number is not active.

So, the Ministry of Education and Culture makes two stages of giving each month. "In the first stage, there are numbers that may be inactive or incorrectly entered, they can be corrected for the second phase in that month," he explained.

Every time the recipient gets assistance, the quota data package will run out for 30 days in the first and second month periods.

For the third and fourth month shipments sent together, the city will be valid for 75 days from the time it is received.

"So, don't worry even if it is sent together, the quota will be valid for the next 2 months," said Nadiem.

For information, the government has disbursed a budget of IDR 7.2 trillion to implement the free internet quota assistance program. The quota is given four times, from September to December 2020.

PAUD students will receive assistance of 20GB per month divided by 5GB general quota and 15GB study quota. Meanwhile, SD, SMP and SMA students will receive a subsidy of 35GB per month, divided into 5GB general quota and 30GB study quota.

Furthermore, educators such as teachers will also get 42GB per month, divided into 5GB general quota and 37GB study quota. Students and lecturers per month will be subsidized 50GB, divided into 5GB general quota and 45GB study quota.

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