JAKARTA - The case of defamation with the suspects of two human rights activists Haris Azhar and Fatia Maulidiayati continues. In addition to getting the attention of civil society organizations, this case was highlighted by the international public.

"It looks like it will last a long time, but Pak Luhut's business problems with several figures in Papua related to the issue of military operations are also in the international spotlight," said political observer Rocky Gerung, quoted from his YouTube channel, Wednesday, March 22.

He continued, conditions in Papua, which are currently still not 100 percent stable, are another reason the international public will focus on the case that ensnared Haris and Fatia.

"Especially now that Papua is really in a situation where there is social fire there, there will be an international public spotlight," he said.

That's why Rocky said Luhut could find another middle ground by not continuing this case until it went to court. Problems that occur can be solved by arguing in public, not offense complaints.

Furthermore, Rocky hoped that Luhut would reconsider the proposal submitted by member of Commission III of the DPR from the Nasdem faction, Taufik Basari yesterday. Taufik suggested that Luhut withdraw his report on Haris and Fatia in the police.

"The proposal of Taufik Basari (Tobas) is a wise suggestion as a person who has been in the LBH (Legal Aid Institute) environment," said Rocky.

Haris and Fatia were reported by Luhut because they discussed the results of research from a number of organizations such as KontraS, Walhi, Jatam, YLBHI, Pusaka about the business of TNI AD officials or retirees behind the gold mining business as well as plans to exploit the Wabu Block area in Intan Jaya, Papua.

Haris and Fatia's discussion was recorded in a video entitled 'There's a Lord Luhut Behind Intan Jaya's Military-OPS Economic Relations!! General BIN is also there!'. The video was uploaded on Haris Azhar's YouTube channel.

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