JAKARTA - Garut Police directly check the stock of cooking oil in a number of markets in Garut Regency, West Java to ensure the availability of goods on the market. The problem is that the police have received reports from the public that the stock of cooking oil is not evenly distributed in the market.

"We will check the 'suppliers' so that there is an even distribution," said Garut Police Chief AKBP Wirdhanto Hadicaksono at the market in northern Garut, Tuesday, March 22.

Garut Police together with the Department of Industry, Trade, and Energy and Mineral Resources of Garut Regency are trying to ensure the availability of safe cooking oil in the market.

The results of checking in the northern area of Garut, one of which is Pasar Lewo, said the Police Chief, found that the stock of cooking oil was limited. It's been empty for the past few days.

"At Lewo Market, at the distributor level it is still empty, we will check the 'supplier' in Garut," he said as quoted by Antara.

He conveyed the results of the inspection in the field that there were still a number of places where cooking oil was not available to meet the needs of the community.

But overall in Garut, he said, like urban areas, cooking oil stocks are pretty much available in traditional and modern markets such as supermarkets and minimarkets.

"In general, it is sufficient, so when later in certain areas it is scarce, so that it is immediately supplied," he said.

He conveyed the results of a review on the market that the price of bulk and packaged cooking oil varies, such as the cheapest bulk type at the distributor level at Rp. 13,000, there are also Rp. 19,500 per liter.

With the price difference, the Head of Police said it would be a concern to follow up with the regional government so that there would be a determination of the same price for retail.

"We will also make sure the price so that the seller does not take too much profit so that it does not harm the community," he said.

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