JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has confirmed that it will speed up the investigation into the alleged corruption in the procurement of the AW-101 helicopter.

This step was taken after the South Jakarta District Court (PN) rejected the pretrial submitted by Jhon Irfan Kenway. Jhon is a suspect in the alleged corruption but his status has not been announced by the anti-corruption commission.

"This decision is a momentum for the KPK to accelerate the process of investigating the case by immediately completing the evidence and the case files can immediately be transferred to the trial," said Acting Spokesperson for the KPK for Enforcement, Ali Fikri in a written statement, Tuesday, March 22.

Ali appreciated the decision of the South Jakarta District Court Judge who had rejected the pretrial lawsuit. Moreover, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) from the beginning has believed that the investigation process will be carried out according to the rules and regulations.

"We ensure that the entire process of handling cases by the KPK, from the investigation stage to the prosecution, is carried out while still complying with all applicable legal rules," he said.

As previously reported, the pretrial application for the alleged corruption case in the procurement of the AW-101 helicopter, Jhon Irfan Kenway, was rejected by a single judge at the South Jakarta District Court.

"Judging, rejecting the pretrial application from the applicant in its entirety," said Sole Judge Nazar Effriandi during a verdict reading session at the South Jakarta District Court (PN) as reported by Antara, Tuesday, March 22.

Jhon Irfan Kenway submitted a pretrial application on February 2, 2022 and it was recorded with case register 10/Pid.Pra/2022/PN JKT.SEL.

For information, this case began in April 2016 when the Indonesian Air Force purchased an AW-101 helicopter. Two companies participated in the auction, namely PT Diratama Jaya Mandiri and PT Karya Cipta Gemilang.

Then, PT Diratama Jaya Mandiri came out as the winner and increased the contract value to Rp738 billion. From the procurement project, it was detected that there was a price difference of Rp. 224 billion, which was indicated as a state loss.

Regarding the allegations, the KPK named PT Diratama Jaya Mandiri President Director Irfan Kurnia Saleh as a suspect.

Meanwhile, from the Indonesian Air Force, there are five officers who are suspects. They are the Deputy Governor of the Air Force Academy, First Marshal Fachry Adamy, who is a former commitment maker or Chief of the Procurement Staff of the Indonesian Air Force for 2016-2017 and Lieutenant Colonel of the Indonesian Air Force (Adm) WW as a former Head of Headquarters.

Furthermore, Pelda SS as Bauryar Pekas Diskuau; Colonel (Purn) FTS as former Sesdisadaau; and Marshal of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (Ret.) SB as the Special Staff of Kasau (former Asrena KSAU) were also named as suspects.

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