MEDAN - The KPU Medan held an open plenary of the drawing and determination of serial numbers for the Medan Pilkada participants. The candidate pair Akhyar Nasution-Salman Alfarisi received serial number 1, while Bobby Nasution-Aulia Rachman was number 2.

The drawing of this serial number was carried out by the KPU by preparing special tools related to the COVID-19 health protocol. The tool is functioned by stepping on the pedal so that the ball can roll towards the photo of the candidate pair.

If the ball falls twice in the candidate pair's photo, then that candidate will get the serial number 1. For the determination of this serial number, Akhyar Nasution is optimistic about winning in the Medan Pilkada.

"100 percent confidence wins. But not the percentage of victory, only belief. We have to achieve the victory. The strategy is our secret," said Akhyar, Thursday, September 24.

Akhyar also promised that the Medan Pilkada campaign would be carried out by implementing health protocols.

"During the campaign, health protocol is number one that must be considered. We will do all campaign methods," he said.

Confidence in winning the Medan Pilkada was also conveyed by Bobby Nasution. Bobby has prepared a program to reform Medan City.

"Optimists win because what we want to do with the vision and mission concerns the program. We are sure that the program in the future will be the best for the city of Medan," he said.

"There are only 2 pairs, this serial number is not a lucky number," he explained.

Akhyar Nasution-Salman Alfarisi supported by PKS and Democrats. Meanwhile, Bobby Nasution-Aulia Rachman was supported by the PDIP, Gerindra, Golkar, PAN, PPP, NasDem, Hanura and PSI.

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