JAKARTA - Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri was only rewarded with light sanctions by the KPK Supervisory Board, even though he was proven to have violated ethics for using a helicopter on a private trip.

Ethics panel member Albertina Ho said, light sanctions were given to Firli Bahuri because the ethical violations committed had no impact on institutions and the government.

"If the impact is only in the environment, the punishment is light. Then if the impact on the institution or institution is moderate, then if the impact is on the government or the country, of course it will be severely punished," said Albertina Ho at the KPK Building, Jakarta, Thursday September.

As for the court decision read out by the Chairman of the KPK Supervisory Board, Tumpak Hatorangan Panggabean, Firli was found guilty of violating the prohibition on a luxurious lifestyle by using a helicopter.

"On trial, stating that the suspect is proven to have violated the code of ethics," said Tumpak when reading the verdict of the ethics court.

For his actions, the KPK Supervisory Board then imposed sanctions on the former Deputy for Enforcement with the aim that he would not repeat his mistakes again.

"To punish the investigator with a light sanction of two written reprimands, namely so that the suspect does not repeat his actions," said Tumpak.

In the session, the KPK Supervisory Board assessed that Firli had not heeded his obligations and was fully aware that all attitudes and actions were always inherent in his capacity as a commission member.

Tumpak said, Firli should show exemplary in his daily actions and behavior in accordance with Article 4 paragraph 1 letter n and Article 8 paragraph 1 letter F KPK Supervisory Board Regulation Number 2 of 2020 concerning Enforcement of the KPK Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct.

In his decision, Dewas said that what was incriminating Firli was not being aware of the violations that had been committed. In addition, Firli, who should have been a role model for serving as Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), is the opposite.

Meanwhile, what makes it easier is that as a suspect Firli has never been convicted of a code of ethics and code of conduct and is cooperative in the trial.

Responding to the results of the trial, Firli said that he had accepted the decision made by Tumpak Hatorangan, cs. He admitted that he would not repeat his actions again.

"To all Indonesian people who may be uncomfortable and I certainly accept the decision and I make sure I will never repeat it. Thank you," Firli said briefly before the trial was closed.

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