MAKASSAR - The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) of South Sulawesi (Sulsel) Province is still waiting for the results of the Isbat session of the Ministry of Religion to determine the first 1 of Ramadan 1443 hijiriah in 2022.

"After we held a meeting at the Ministry of Religion office in Makassar with several Islamic organizations, we have decided that we are still waiting for the Isbat trial," said the Chair of the South Sulawesi MUI, Prof. KH Najamuddin H Abd Safa when giving a press statement at his office, the Makassar Grand Mosque, reported Between, Friday, 18 .

According to him, indeed in determining 1 Shawwal or 1 Ramadan determination with each method, there are Rukyatul Hilal and Hisab methods. Rukyat by direct observation of the rising of the moon while Hisab relies on astronomy through technology.

He explained that from his experience while living in Egypt, according to the results of Azhar University research, he used the method of reckoning using technological advances and could be determined scientifically.

For the method of reckoning, there are various ways, but usually there are differences in the calculation results so that it becomes a question. Due to the differences in the results, the decision was taken to return to the origin, Rukyat.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chairperson of the South Sulawesi MUI KH Mustari Busrah added, MUI is a partner of the government, of course, following the government's decision regarding the determination of the start of Ramadan in early April.

Even though there were Islamic organizations that were included in the MUI during the meeting, some did not participate, according to KH Mustari, his party still respects differences by upholding tolerance.

"For the MUI, because we are partners with the government, it follows the government. We hope for mutual tolerance (differences of opinion) between us," he added. However, what led Muslims to determine the 1st Ramadan was rukyat and then the method developed into reckoning, because there is already astronomy combined with technology that can know the beginning of fasting 10 years later.

"For those who understand the way of rukyat it is part of worship. Seeing the moon is also part of the sunnah, because the prophet gave an example like that. Likewise, friends gave an example. Because it is sunnah, we must follow it," he said.

While those who understand reckoning, it's not a problem. That is, reason can mix in it, even though it becomes a difference but remains part of tolerance.

"We hope that the public understands the difference, so they don't blame the opinion of rukyat and reckoning income, because that is the reality," he advised.

Previously, from the predictions in the global Islamic calendar of 1443 hijiriah published by the Tarjih and Tajdid PP Muhammadiyah Council, the start of fasting was estimated to fall on Saturday, April 2 2020. Meanwhile, 30 Ramadans fell on May 1, 2022. This means that Eid will fall on May 2-3, 2022. However, Thus the calendar is still a prototype.

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