JAMBI - Investigators in the special crime field of the Jambi High Prosecutor's Office (Pidsus Kejati) conducted an investigation into corruption at the Jambi Branch of the State Savings Bank (BTN) in the case of granting housing loans to PT Jambi Anugerah Semesta (PT JIS). Completing the investigation file for the Yasa Griya Credit facility case, BTN has given PT Jambi Anugerah Semesta since 2017-2020 to build Villa Argenta Asri housing," said Head of the Jambi Attorney General's Office, Lexy Fatharany, in Jambi, Friday 18 March. found criminal acts of corruption committed by both parties, where until now the construction of housing at Villa Argenta Asri has not been completed.

"Kajati Jambi Sapta Subrata has ordered investigators to examine the corruption case in the construction of the Vila Argenta Asri house by appointing six investigating prosecutors, chaired by Pratama Main Prosecutor Amran Lakoni," Lexy said as quoted by Antara. know about the granting of credit and have scheduled an examination of 12 witnesses who will be summoned in turns from today to next week consisting of BTN employees, developers and notaries. An Investigation Order (SPP) to examine allegations of corruption in the granting of housing development credit for Vila Argenta Asri and a prosecutor appointed by six people with the Chief Prosecutor of the Primary Prosecutor Amran Lakoni," said Head of the Jambi Attorney General's Office, Lexy Fatharany.

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