TABANAN - A husband and wife couple in Tabanan, Bali, I Nyoman Wetra and Ni Nengah Lastri committed suicide. The two of them ate bread mixed with rat poison.

"Yes, the husband and wife pair whose husband and wife died are still being treated at Tabanan Hospital," said Penebel Police Chief AKP I Nyoman Artadana confirmed by reporters, Friday, March 18.

This couple committed suicide on Thursday, March 17 at noon in Tegallinggah Village, Penebel District, Tabanan Regency, Bali. According to witness statements, the two victims vomited and were taken to Tabanan General Hospital.

"And by the doctor on duty, the two victims were diagnosed with poisoning," he added.

"The two victims are suspected of consuming rat poison by sprinkling rat poison powder on top of the two-layered comb. Then, the comb was divided in half and eaten by the two victims," said Artadana.

Victim Ni Nengah Lastri admitted that her husband asked her to buy rat poison and two layers of comb. The two then consumed bread and rat poison.

"After being treated by a doctor, the two victims were able to communicate and when asked they said that they had consumed bread sprinkled with rat poison. Due to deteriorating conditions, victim I Nyoman Wetra was declared dead and victim Ni Nengah Lastri was hospitalized," he said.

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