SOLOK - Solok City Police handed over Rp35 million in house renovation assistance to a resident in Parak Indah RT 002/RW 002, IX Korong Village, Lubuk Sikarah District, Solok City, West Sumatra. This time was held by the Solok City Police in the zakat collection program for every personnel. "We from the Solok City Police hope that with this house renovation assistance, Fitri who is a recipient of house renovation assistance from the Police can take advantage of this," he said in Solok, Thursday, March 17. also hopes that after the construction of the house renovation is completed, it can be handed back to Fitri the owner of the house to be occupied again with his family comfortably. In addition, the program for repairing uninhabitable houses with the theme of alleviating poverty in underprivileged communities is a form of concern for the Solok City Police Chief. to others, especially to people who do not I can.

The construction of the house renovation takes up to 30 days, starting from demolition of the house to rebuilding. Solok City Police will continue to try to always be in the midst of the community to be able to help each other, especially for people in need in the city. Deputy Mayor of Solok Ramadhani Kirana Putra appreciates all Solok City Police personnel who have helped and cared for the underprivileged in providing assistance for their house renovation. He hopes that the house renovation assistance can be utilized as well as possible by residents who have received it.

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