SURABAYA - Artist Vanessa Angel's driver, Tubagus Muhammad Joddy Pramas Setya, was charged with 7 years in prison by the Jombang Public Prosecutor.

Prosecutor Adi Prasetyo read out the demands during the online trial at the Jombang District Court, Thursday, March 17.

"Seeking the criminal charges against the defendant Tubagus Muhammad Joddy with a prison term of 7 years reduced by the period of detention that the defendant has served with the order to remain in custody," said Adi, when reading the charges.

In his indictment, the prosecutor stated that the defendant was deemed proven guilty of a second alternative charge, violating Article 310 paragraph 4 and Article 310 paragraph 2 of Law No. 22 of 2009 concerning road traffic and transportation.

"In accordance with the legal facts, for that the elements of Article 310 paragraph 4 and Article 310 paragraph 2 are proven legally and convincingly that the defendant's actions have been fulfilled in the element offense," he said.

Adi explained that during the trial examination there were no grounds that could negate the sentence. The defendant is considered to have the ability to be responsible for his actions.

"The mitigating thing is that the defendant has never been punished, then the defendant admits his actions and the defendant regrets his actions. The aggravating things caused the defendant's actions to cause the victim Febri Andriansyah, victim Vanessa Azkania to die. Then victim Siska Lorenza and victim Gala Sky Andriansyah were injured," he said.

Artist Vanessa Angel and her husband Febri Andriansyah alias Bibi died in a single accident on the Jombang Toll Road KM 672+300 entering Pucangsimo Village, BandarKedungmulyo District, Thursday, November 4, 2021.

The Pajero car number B 1264 BJU he was traveling in hit the concrete barrier of the toll road on the left. The driver, Tubagus Muhammad Joddy Pramas Setya (24) and his son GL (1.7) and housekeeper Siska Lorensa (21) were injured and survived.

Tubagus Muhammad Joddy, Vanessa Angel's driver, was charged with multiple articles by the Public Prosecutor from the Jombang District Attorney's Office. He was charged with the first indictment, first, namely Article 311 paragraph 5 of Law No. 22 of 2009 concerning road traffic and transportation, and secondly, he was charged with indictment of Article 311 paragraph 3 of Law No. 23 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation.

While the alternative or second charges, the first violates article 310 paragraph 4 of the Republic of Indonesia Law number 22 of 2009 concerning road traffic and transportation, and the second violates article 310 paragraph 3 of the Republic of Indonesia Law number 22 of 2009 concerning road traffic and transportation.

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