JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) will investigate the alleged flow of bribes to the family of the inactive Bekasi Mayor Rahmat Effendi or Pepen.

This assurance was conveyed after information circulated about the flow of bribes from Pepen to his family. Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement, Ali Fikri, said investigators would examine the family.

"The KPK will definitely develop the money flow and confirm it with other witnesses as well as the evidence that the KPK has," Ali said in a written statement to reporters, Thursday, March 17.

From this request for information, continued Ali, later investigators will conduct an analysis. If later found the involvement of other parties, the KPK will immediately take a stand.

"As long as sufficient evidence is found, we will definitely develop the involvement of other parties, both against other parties who can be legally accounted for or applying other laws to the suspects," he explained.

Previously reported, Rahmat Effendi or Pepen along with eight other people were named by the KPK as suspects for alleged bribery in the procurement of goods and services as well as the auction of positions in the Bekasi City Government.

Pepen with the Secretary of the Investment Office and PTSP, M Bunyamin; Head of Jatisari Village, Mulyadi; Jatisampurna Sub-district Head, Wahyudin; and the Head of the Bekasi City Housing, Settlement and Land Office, Jumhana Lutfi, were named as recipients of bribes.

Meanwhile, the four suspected givers are the Director of PT MAM Energindo, Ali Amril; private party, Lai Bui Min; Director of Kota Bintang Rayatri, Suryadi; and the sub-district head of Rawalumbu, Makhfud Saifudin.

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