JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Wiku Adisasmito said, active cases of COVID-19 in Indonesia now number 58,788 people or 23.3 percent. During this week, COVID-19 cases have increased by 8.4 percent or 26,364 cases compared to last week with 25,343 cases.

"Nationally, the number of positive cases of COVID-19 has increased by 8.4 percent over the past week," Wiku said in an online press conference broadcast on the Presidential Secretariat YouTube account, Tuesday, September 22.

The highest increase occurred in West Java. The COVID-19 Task Force noted that last week there were 1,879 COVID-19 cases in this region, now the number has reached 2,473 cases.

The increase in cases also occurred in Banten, increasing by 492 cases, so that currently there are 824 cases from 332 cases previously.

"South Sulawesi has increased by 459 people, Riau has increased by 311 people, and Papua has increased by 271 people," he said.

Furthermore, Wiku explained that DKI Jakarta was the province with the highest ratio of additional COVID-19 cases with 554 cases per 100 thousand population.

"South Kalimantan 242 cases per 100 thousand population, Gorontalo 206 population per 100 thousand. Then East Kalimantan 191 cases per 100 thousand population and Bali 184 people per population," he explained.

Meanwhile, the percentage of deaths increased by 18.9 percent compared to the previous week, where the highest number was in Central Java, namely up 46 people, DKI Jakarta 32 people, Aceh 26 people, North Sumatra 24 people, and West Sumatra 13 people.

Meanwhile, the regions with the highest percentage of deaths were East Java 7.29 percent, Central Java 6.47 percent, South Sumatra 6.04 percent, West Nusa Tenggara 5.91 percent and Bengkulu 5.85 percent.

Wiku asked the region to protect so that there were no additional cases. In addition, community testing and contact tracing must continue. If this continues, he hopes that in the next few weeks the death rate should decline.

Finally, regarding the percentage of recovery in Indonesia, he said that currently there was a national increase of up to 35.8 percent compared to the previous week. The highest increase in recovery, he said, occurred in DKI Jakarta, which increased by 1,540 patients, West Java increased by 1,093 people, Central Java increased by 845 people recovered, Aceh 730 people recovered, and Riau Islands 247 people recovered.

"We appreciate the regional heads who have succeeded in reducing COVID-19 cases in the areas they lead. However, do not be complacent, monitoring of health protocols carried out by the community must be maintained and not loose or loose," he concluded.

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