JAKARTA - Former Chairman of the United States (US) House of Representatives (US) Newt Gingrich said Joe Biden, the Democratic presidential candidate, was a coward. He criticized Biden for only being able to attack President Donald Trump, without offering an alternative way of dealing with COVID-19.

Earlier, in his speech in Michigan, Biden said President Donald Trump deliberately thwarted efforts to contain COVID-19. On that basis Gingrich considers Biden to be effectively accusing Trump of murder. He also accused Trump of being negligent in safeguarding the US economy, thus leading the US to the brink of recession.

However Gingrich denied Biden's opinion. He said Biden was dishonest. "In fact, President Trump acted faster than anyone else by imposing a travel ban on China in late January despite opposition," Ginrich said, quoted by Fox News.

When taking this policy, said Gingrich, Biden and other Democrat party politicians even called Trump xenophobic --anti foreign. In fact, according to him, if Trump did not implement the policy earlier, more US citizens would be exposed and died from COVID-19.

In addition, Gingrich dismissed accusations that Trump neglected health experts. Trump was reluctant to tell the US public to self-quarantine and stay at home because it would shut down the economy. But Trump does it anyway because that's what public health officials suggest.

"Is Joe Biden going to ignore the advice and warnings of experts whom he claims is highly respected? Is he going to ignore science? Or is he just dishonestly attacking the president for cheap political points?" said Gingrich.

There is no solution

Gingrich said, Biden is a coward who can only sit back and attack his political opponents but is unable to provide any alternative way of dealing with COVID-19. In addition, he also touched on the pro-Biden media who did not challenge him at all. He never said specifically what exact strategy he would do to alleviate the pandemic.

"The Biden campaign doesn't even talk about masks or social distancing until the Trump administration starts discussing best practices for fighting the virus," added Gingrich.

Meanwhile writer Karl Rove said Biden and his advisers repeatedly brushed aside the severity of COVID-19 in January, February and even March. Biden has never offered any concrete plans, only saying what he might do in January 2021, which is after all the most important COVID-19 decisions have been made.

"In short, as Rove explained, Biden will do exactly what President Trump did in response to the pandemic. More likely, however, he will move more slowly. That's the truth," concluded Gingrich.

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