JAKARTA - The name Saifuddin Ibrahim suddenly went viral after an unusual proposal addressed to the Minister of Religion (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas. Saifuddin, who claims to be a priest, asked the Minister of Religion of Yaqut to delete 300 verses of the Qur'an for various reasons.

Not only that, Saifuddin said that pesantren were a source of terrorists. He assessed that it was impossible for terrorists to emerge from other religious schools.

A postgraduate lecturer at the University of Indonesia, Ade Armando opened his voice on Saifuddin's proposal. According to Ade, this proposal is useless. Saifuddin should have used common sense in providing input to the Minister of Religion Yaqut.

Ade said that he also often criticizes Muslim behavior, both in Indonesia and the world. However, the proposal to delete 300 verses of the Qur'an or to accuse the Islamic boarding school as a hotbed of terrorism is problematic.

"Frankly, a person like Saifuddin is completely useless. If we want to criticize, it should be based on common sense," said Ade Armando.

Calling the Islamic boarding school as a hotbed of radicalism actually makes up freely. Because, according to Ade Armando, the majority of Islamic boarding schools are

Nahdlatul Ulama (NU).

"NU actually does not teach radicalism and terrorism. Indeed, there are radical Islamic boarding schools but they are minorities, for example, the Minister of Religion who he praises is a pesantren graduate. It is possible that Islamic boarding schools instill radicalism, but that should not be used as an example, do not generalize," said Ade Armando.

Then the proposal to delete 300 verses of the Qur'an. According to Ade, the Minister of Religion does not have the authority to erase the verses because these verses come from God himself. Ade said this proposal was actually a form of insult to Islam.

"The Qur'an is a verse of Allah, if there are 300 verses that must be deleted, it means that abandoning the Qur'an altogether is an insult to Islam,"

"I myself am not criticizing the way Muslims interpret the Qur'an, but what deserves to be questioned is the way of interpretation, not the verses," said Ade.

Ade instead suggested to Saifuddin to give the Ministry of Religion a much more up-to-date suggestion. For example, Kemenang develops a moderate, critical, rational and contextual interpretation of Islam.

"However, this kind of expectation is too high for me to address to Saifuddin. The problem is that he himself is also narrow-minded, he himself does not use common sense, so the statements that come out of his mouth do not reflect intelligence," concluded Ade Armando.

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