JAKARTA - A group of thieves managed to break into a number of items at Ruko Malibu Blok J 29-30, Cengkareng District, West Jakarta on Wednesday, March 16, early in the morning.

The actions of the perpetrators were caught on CCTV, they came using a black sedan and parked in front of the Ruko. Seen in CCTV footage, the perpetrator broke the rolling door and broke into the entrance.

Oktaviani (24), a shophouse employee said the perpetrator broke the door using a crowbar.

"From the CCTV footage, there were two perpetrators, they broke in and took time to take skincare products," he told reporters, Wednesday, March 16.

After the perpetrators managed to get inside, they took the company's motorcycle BPKB which was in the first floor room.

Then on the second floor, the perpetrators took four laptop units which were stored in the work cupboard.

"So on the third floor there was a PS4 taken by the perpetrator, after that the perpetrator fled using a car," he said.

Sekurity, who realized that the shop's rolling door was open, immediately contacted the woman who is familiarly called Okta.

Arriving at the shop, it was already dark because the perpetrator turned off the electricity so he wouldn't be caught.

"It's a mess on the first, second and third floors," said Okta.

Okta admitted that he had reported this incident to the Cengkareng Police to arrest the perpetrators.

Cengkareng Police Chief Ardhie Demastyo said, after receiving a report from the victim, his party immediately conducted a crime scene (TKP).

"We received direct reports of deploying the Criminal Investigation Team under the Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit Iptu Rahmat to process the crime scene," he said.

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