JAKARTA - Indonesian Attorney General Sanitiar Burhanuddin said restorative justice has become an alternative in efforts to resolve criminal cases. in South Sulawesi, virtually, Wednesday, March 16. He explained that the difference between the settlement of this case was the restoration of the situation back to the situation before the crime occurred. "The concept of restorative justice is a logical consequence of the ultimum remedium principle, namely that punishment is a last resort and embodies the principles of justice, proportionality and the principles of fast, simple and low cost.

"Therefore, the termination of prosecution based on restorative justice is carried out in order to provide protection for the interests of victims and other legal interests," said the Attorney General. to gather and find solutions to problems caused by minor criminal cases so as to restore peace, harmony and cosmic balance in society. Therefore, he asked for permission on this occasion to name the space as Rumah Restorative Justice (Rumah RJ). South Sulawesi Andi Sudirman Sulaiman, who attended the launching of Rumah RJ, admitted that he strongly supports the presence of the Restorative Justice House as an innovation presented by the Attorney General's Office. m community. This is also a place for deliberation and consensus to create harmony and peace in society," said Andi Sudirman. The presence of the Restorative House at the South Sulawesi High Prosecutor's Office is also in accordance with the spirit of the Indonesian Attorney General's Regulation Number 15 of 2020 concerning Termination of Prosecution Based on Restorative Justice. has resolved 821 (eight hundred and twenty-one) cases throughout Indonesia through restorative justice. The presence of this facility is to bring justice in the community, a space or place for problem solving with the concept of peace through deliberation and consensus is made before the case enters the realm of law enforcement.

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