AMBON - Head of Information for Military Area Command XVI/Pattimura, Colonel ARH Adi P Fajar, said that the soldiers who shot their colleagues and the police were examined for mental health.

"It is true that a member of the Masohi Task Force was shot so that one member of the Indonesian Army was injured and one policeman died. The perpetrator is currently at the Masohi Hospital for a mental health examination because it is suspected that he is acutely depressed", said Colonel ARH Adi, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, March 16.

The army soldier named Riyan opened fire on a fellow member of the 11/WBY Air Defense Artillery Battalion, Private Second Raju, and killed a member of the Brimobdam Unit Battalion B of the Maluku Police Mobile Brigade, Bhayangkara Head of Pery, who was on duty in Amahai, Central Maluku.

Fajar said that currently Raju, who was injured, was in critical condition and was already in the ER at the Masohi Hospital, and the member of the Moluccas Police Mobile Brigade who died was still in the morgue of the Masonic Hospital.

"The leadership, in this case, the commander of Military Area Command XVI/Pattimura, and the head of the Maluku Regional Police, have coordinated and expressed condolences for the death of one of the Mobile Brigade members of the Maluku Police, and we hope that in the future something like this can be avoided, and will not happen again", he said.

He revealed that a member of the Indonesian National Army who had a gunshot wound to the right chest and the big toe on the right and left had abrasions, while a member of Brimbob had a gunshot wound to the lower left chest and died at the scene.

When asked about the complete chronology of events, he said, they were still being investigated because there was still confusion. In the future, he continued, when it is clear, it will be conveyed.

"Currently, of course, this incident is still in the process of being investigated and legally processed according to the applicable rules and regulations", he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Public Relations of the Maluku Police, Commissioner M. Roem Ohoirat, was also concerned about the incident.

"As the Head of Information for Military Command has said, that last night's incident no one wanted to happen. Of course, this case has been submitted to be handled thoroughly for legal processing. This case was unintentional", he said.

At that time, the Brimbob member was not wearing an official uniform, but the person concerned had changed clothes and was wearing normal clothes.

“At that time, the member concerned served in Amahai and passed that way. However, this is still under further investigation, he said.

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