JAKARTA - The hospitality industry reactivation support program from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) for self-isolation of asymptomatic confirmation patients has entered the finalization stage of the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) to see the readiness of hotels to accept patients.

Menparekraf Wishnutama Kusubandio explained, until now, support from the hotel industry for this program is getting higher, showing the strong cooperation of the tourism industry and the creative economy in an effort to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

Wishnutama said that the hotel industry must be able to follow the required assessment. The Ministry of Health must ensure the readiness of hotels so that new clusters do not occur.

"Until now there are 30 hotels in DKI Jakarta that are ready to work together. Kemenparekraf together with the Ministry of Health are also preparing a Standard Operating Procedure (Flowchart) regarding the implementation mechanism, related to how the procedure for people who are positively infected with COVID-19, but without symptoms can check. in hotels that have been determined, "he said, through a written statement received by VOI, Tuesday, September 22.

Kemenparekraf, said Wishnutama, will prepare and cover accommodation costs in the form of a minimum hotel class or equivalent to 3 stars, including daily consumption and laundry services. While the Ministry of Health will handle medical needs such as drug costs, ambulances as well as doctor visits.

"The hotel selection that we have prepared is based on input from PHRI. In addition to the PHRI proposal, hotels that are ready can send submissions to the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy for further review by the Ministry of Health," he explained.

Meanwhile, Deputy for Marketing of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy / Baparekraf Nia Niscaya said this program would be focused first in Jakarta, then following several other provinces in Indonesia until December 2020.

"The requirement for hotels that are partners is that they are not allowed to receive other guests except for confirmation patients without symptoms," said Nia.

Just show your KTP or Family Card

Expert Staff of the Minister of Health in the Health Crisis Sector, dr. Iwan Trihapsoro, who was appointed as the Ministry of Health's PIC for this program, said that everyone who is positive for COVID-19 but without symptoms can come directly to the hotel with a KTP or family card and a positive swab result. However, previously people who would use this independent isolation facility were required to ask for a referral to the Puskesmas first.

"The flow of the patient is to bring a positive SWAB result, check in the hotel, be isolated for 14 days. While at the hotel there will be a doctor visit and data collection will be carried out with a cut off time to be determined. During this isolation period, the patient is not allowed to leave the hotel and receive guests. "he said.

Iwan said that training is needed for hotel employees so that they are not afraid to be in the same building with COVID-19 patients without symptoms but remain vigilant.

The Ministry of Health is also of the view that hotel staff with comorbidities are advised not to have direct contact with confirmatory patients without symptoms, or they can get a work from home policy (WFH) by hotel management so that it requires further coordination.

With the additional support of the hotel as an independent isolation accommodation, in the future confirmation patients without symptoms and with mild symptoms are expected not to self-isolate at home, so that they do not have the potential to infect their family and people around them.

"Hopefully this step will be an effective effort by the government to reduce the spread of COVID-19," he said.

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