JAKARTA - Joint officers from the East Jakarta Metro Police and the East Jakarta Cooperative, Small and Medium Enterprises and Trade Sub-dept. (KUKMP) checked the stock of cooking oil in a supermarket in the Pondok Bambu area, Duren Sawit, East Jakarta.

Based on VOI monitoring at the location, officers found an empty cooking oil display rack in the shopping center, only 2 packaged cooking oil remained. However, there was something 'striking' in the eyes of the officers, namely the finding of a selling price sticker of cooking oil per 2 liters for Rp. 32,950 or close to the price of Rp. 33,000.

Seeing the vacant stock of cooking oil on the display rack, the officer returned to inspect the warehouse for storing goods in the supermarket.

It turned out that from the results of the inspection, the joint officers found piles of boxes of cooking oil of various brands that were still stored in the warehouse, not being removed again on the display rack.

Officers also asked about the whereabouts of the oil stock. However, the person in charge of the supermarket argued that they were waiting for the goods on the display rack to run out.

In front of the officers, the supermarket employees immediately refilled the empty shelves with cooking oil that was in the warehouse. However, this time the Rp32,950 barcode was changed by the employees to Rp28,000 per 2 liters.

Head of the East Jakarta Cooperative, Small and Medium Enterprises and Trade (KUKMP) Sub-Department (Sudin), Parulian hopes, with the awareness of retail managers to keep trying to prepare the availability of cooking oil on sales displays.

"(cooking oil) should not be stored in warehouses, but on empty displays. We hope for awareness from retail managers," he told VOI at the location, Tuesday, March 15, afternoon.

Parulian also gave an ultimatum to the supermarket that it would check again at an unspecified time. If there is hoarding or scarcity, it will not hesitate to take action.

"If tomorrow I come here it turns out that the goods (cooking oil) in the warehouse are there but here (the display) is empty, then I will take action according to our authority," he said.

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