JAKARTA - Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Sufmi Dasco Ahmad responded to differences in perceptions regarding the new halal logo issued by the Ministry of Religion's Halal Product Assurance Agency (BPJPH). Gradually the new logo from the Ministry of Religion will replace the MUI halal label on the packaging of a product.

The Halal label issued by the Ministry of Religion has been criticized by a number of parties because of its Arabic calligraphy which is difficult to recognize and resembles a mountain of wayang. And the color is said to not represent Islamic values.

Dasco said that the problem with the new Halal logo lies not only in the writing but also in the transfer of authority.

"This is not only a matter of labeling, but also the authority that has shifted from MUI to halal certification to the Ministry of Religion," said Dasco at the DPR building, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday, March 14.

Therefore, Dasco asked the Ministry of Religion to socialize the new logo so that there would be no confusion in the community.

"Of course we ask the Ministry of Religion to communicate this intensely with related parties and then also carry out socialization to the community. So that unnecessary polemics arise," he said.

In addition, said Dasco, the leadership of the DPR also asked Commission VIII of the DPR which is in charge of religious affairs to oversee the change in the new halal logo to avoid other perceptions that develop.

"We ask Commission VIII as a technical commission that oversees or partners with the Ministry of Religion to monitor intensively," he concluded.

Previously, the Deputy Chairman of Commission VIII of the DPR from the Golkar faction, Ace Hasan Syadzily, emphasized that the issuance of the halal logo was a mandate from Law No. 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Product Guarantee. Where is the obligation of BPJPH to create a nationally valid halal logo.

The logo problem is interpreted or interpreted differently, according to Ace, of course it depends on the point of view of each person who judges it.

"For me, the most important thing is that the Arabic script contains the word halal and is already contained in meaningful Arabic writing," said Ace to reporters, Sunday, March 13.

To the knowledge of the Golkar politician, the type of halal writing on the new logo in Arabic calligraphy is included in the category of khat kufi.

"The question of interpreting it depends on how we look at it. What is clear is that the creator of this logo has the aim of adapting the local wisdom of our nation's culture," he explained.

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