JAKARTA - The illegal racing of motorized vehicles again occurred on Jalan Pemuda, Rawamangun, Pulogadung District, East Jakarta, Saturday, March 12, evening.

The action was also viral on social media and received criticism from passing motorists. This illegal racing action is disturbing because the illegal racers have closed the road section so that it hinders motorists who cross the road.

From the video footage that has gone viral on social media, it appears that a number of youths are about to do illegal racing on Jalan Pemuda. They gathered at the TL Velodrome intersection, Rawamangun, East Jakarta. They closed the road when doing illegal racing.

This speeding action was carried out on the route from Jalan Pramuka to the Pulogadung Industrial Estate.

Due to the closure of the road segment, motorists claim to be restless with the actions of the perpetrators of this illegal race.

The reason is, motorists are forced to wait because the access to the main road is isolated by the actions of youth.

Rian, the driver of the vehicle, admitted that he was worried about the motorbike racing activity that took place on Jalan Pemuda, Rawamangun.

"Uneasy, because it triggers criminal acts as well," Rian told reporters, Sunday, March 13.

Rian said that usually the clay motorbike racers closed the road for a few minutes. When they close the road, no other motorists are allowed to pass until they have finished their illegal racing action.

"They closed the road for 20 minutes. Closed by their friends they also cannot pass. I hope the police will tighten patrols in the future," he hoped.

It should be noted that the Polda Metro Jaya and the Indonesian Motor Association (IMI) have agreed to hold a street race (Street Race) in Ancol in order to facilitate racing hobbyists so they don't get involved in illegal racing.

The Street Race has already taken place, and the concept has even been followed in a number of Jabodetabek areas.

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