JAKARTA - The news of the development of the Deltacron variant of COVID-19 in several European countries has begun to attract the attention of the Ministry of Health. Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Vaccination of the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) Siti Nadia Tarmizi said the government continued to monitor the development of the variant, which is a combination of Delta and Omicron mutations.

"This development is still being monitored. Because there is no evidence regarding an increase in transmission, severity and others," said Siti Nadia Tarmizi, quoted by Antara, Sunday, March 13.

Previously, scientists had confirmed the existence of a new COVID-19 variant combining mutations from the Omicron and Delta variants with cases reported in several European countries.

The variant, dubbed "Deltacron," was confirmed by genome sequencing carried out by scientists at IHU Mediterranee Infection in Maseille, France. The variant has been detected in several areas of France.

Cases of the Deltacron variant were also found in Denmark and the Netherlands, according to the international database Global Initiative on Sharing All Influenza Data (GISAID).

Separately two cases were identified in the United States and a reported 30 cases were identified in the UK.

These variants are hybrids that arise through a process called recombination, in which two viral variants infect individuals simultaneously resulting in exchanging genetic material and creating new variants.

Nadia ensures that the government continues to monitor developments and encourage the acceleration of COVID-19 vaccination efforts.

"Yes, it means that in dealing with any potential transmission, the acceleration of booster and primary vaccinations must be accelerated," said Nadia, who also serves as Secretary of the Directorate General of Public Health at the Ministry of Health.

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