JAKARTA - The Presidential Staff Office (KSP) ensures the availability of lodging or hotels for tourists during the Pertamina Grand Prix of Indonesia or MotoGP Mandalika 2022, in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB).

KSP Main Expert Helson Siagian said, in addition to preparing accommodation on land, the Government also prepared one large ship and five phinisi boats as floating hotels.

"Pelni has prepared KM Kelud with a capacity of 2,500 people, while Pelindo has prepared five phinisi boats each with a capacity of 20 people. For reservations and sales, they are handed over to the NTB regional government," he said in a statement quoted by Antara, Sunday, March 13.

The ships will dock at Lembar Harbor, West Lombok, and are ready to be used from March 18, 2022 until MotoGP is complete, he said.

The government has also carried out various simulations, including the smooth operation of services and security at ports, he added.

"This is related to the operation of the floating hotel," he said.

Data from the NTB Tourism Office states that of the 17,833 total accommodations available, 11,169 accommodations or 62 percent of them have been rented.

Even in the span of March 4 to 7, 547 accommodations have been booked.

Accommodations on the mainland are not only located in Mandalika and Mataram, but are also spread across Sembalun, Jerowaru, Gili, and Tetebatu.

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