JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) confirmed that the halal logo issued by his party was still valid even though the Ministry of Religion had released the latest halal label. Secretary General of MUI, Amirsyah Tambunan explained, the MUI halal logo can still be used. This is stated in the implementation of Law Number 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Product Guarantee (JPH), namely in PP 39/2021 concerning the Implementation of the Halal Product Guarantee Sector.

"In Article 169 of the transitional provisions, you can still use the MUI logo until 5 years after the PP is issued," Amirsyah told reporters, Sunday, March 13.

Furthermore, Amirsyah said, at least there are some provisions that are emphasized in the regulation. Namely, a halal certificate that has been issued by MUI or BPJPH. "Before this government regulation is promulgated, (the MUI halal logo) remains in effect until the Halal Certificate period expires," he said.

Then the form of the halal logo which was determined by MUI before this Government Regulation was promulgated, can still be used for a maximum period of 5 years from the promulgation of this government regulation, set in Jakarta on February 2, 2021.

"On that basis, in the next five (5) year transition, MUI appeals to the public to be calm. So that the use of the MUI halal logo can still be used according to the PP so that the transition process can run smoothly," he explained.

Because in the PP, said Amirsyah, the community still has an important role in implementing JPH in accordance with Article 144. The community's participation as referred to in paragraph (1) can be in the form of:

a) Socialization and education regarding JPH.

b) Assistance in PPH.

c) Publication that the product is under assistance.

d) Marketing in Islamic community networks with legal entities.

e) Supervision of circulating Halal products. In addition, supervision of circulating halal products as referred to in paragraph (2) letter e is in the form of complaints and reports to BPJPH. Previously, the Minister of Religion (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas mentioned the halal label issued by the Guarantee Agency The Ministry of Religion's Halal Products (BPJPH) no longer belong to the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI). The new logo will be implemented in stages. According to Yaqut, it refers to the decision of the law regarding halal certification which needs to be held by the government, not community organizations (Ormas).

"Halal certification, as stipulated in the law, is held by the government, no longer mass organizations," he said, Saturday, March 13. Yaqut said that after some time, the public would no longer recognize the halal label issued by the MUI. That's because this is no longer the case in Indonesia.

"In the future, gradually the halal label issued by MUI will no longer be valid," said Yaqut.

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