TANGERANG - A video shows a man lying on the highway in the Puri Kartika Lama area, Ciledug, Tangerang City. In the video uploaded to the Instagram account @KabarCiledug, the victim is seen lying in the middle of a puddle.

The Head of the Ciledug Police, Kompol Poltar Lumban Gaol, confirmed the incident. This incident occurred on Saturday, March 12, at 2:30 WB

He explained that at first the victim ND (57) who came from Bekasi, wanted to go to Ciledug to go to an invitation. But while on the road, the victim saw a witness who was pushing his motorbike.

The victim tried to help the witness. However, when crossing the crime scene (TKP), the victim got down and stepped on what was suspected to be a forgotten electric cable. ND fell instantly.

"The victim tried to help, when crossing the crime scene, the victim got down from his motorbike. Then stepped on puddles at the scene, after that the victim immediately fell," said Poltar when contacted, Saturday, March 12.

After the incident, the victim was rushed to a nearby hospital for medical attention.

"Already, we are helping our residents run to the hospital, currently waiting for further medical treatment," he said.

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