BOGOR - Leaders and members of the Bogor Regency DPRD, West Java, have agreed not to use the budget for working visits (kunker) abroad during 2022 which has been prepared in the APBD worth Rp. 13.7 billion.

"Just like in previous years, for this year our fellow DPRD members have agreed that we will not use (overseas work visits)," said Chairman of the Bogor Regency DPRD, Rudy Susmanto, when he was a resource person in a public discussion with the Institute for the Study of Nusantara Maju Vision in Cibinong. , Between, Friday, March 11th.

According to him, since 2019 all members of the Bogor Regency DPRD have chosen not to absorb it. Then allocate the budget to finance other activities that are considered more crucial.

Rudy said that the leadership of the Bogor Regency DPRD is allotted five times a year for working visits abroad, while the members are allotted twice a year.

He said that when the budget for working visits abroad was not absorbed, then in the discussion of the Revised APBD, the budget was diverted to finance other activities as proposed by the Bogor Regent.

"So it was shifted to something else. As in 2020. We shifted the budget to add an unexpected budget when the COVID-19 pandemic was high. That was also at the suggestion of all factions," explained Rudy.

However, if the working visit budget is absorbed, it can be justified because it is stated in the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 20 of 2005 concerning Guidelines for Foreign Service Travel for Officials/Employees in the Ministry of Home Affairs, Regional Government and Leaders and Members of the Regional House of Representatives.

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