JAMBI - The Jambi Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kanwil Kemenkumham) denied that a viral video of an inmate using crystal methamphetamine was recorded via video call while inside the Class II A Jambi Correctional Institution (Lapas). (Social media) shows a male inmate consuming crystal methamphetamine in prison, we deny it and it didn't happen when the inmate was inside but when he was outside before entering the Jambi Class II A prison," said the Head of the Correctional Division (Kadivpas) of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. Jambi Aris Munandar told the media, Friday, March 11. The video circulated on the Facebook account 'Alexander Abraham' and the Instagram account @jambihard24jam. In the 39-second video, a male prisoner is seen consuming suspected shabu-shabu narcotics, which is smoked using a meth or bong, and in the description of the account post, it is written that the person in the video is in Jambi Prison. and the person in question named Nanda Pratama. Responding to the video circulating, the Jambi Kemenkumham Regional Office said the person in the video was a prisoner in Class II A Jambi Prison, but the action was not in prison and his confession was made before entering prison. indeed, with the initials NA and what happened before he entered the prison, he was still outside, so he was not in the prison," said Aris, accompanied by the head of the Jambi Kleas IIA Prison, Emanuel Harefa, quoted by Antara. , and he entered in 2020. His party only found out about the video after it circulated on social media, and the purpose of the video being distributed by the Jambi Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office did not yet know.

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