JAKARTA - The chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Prasetio Edi Marsudi, said that he will formulate a regional regulation (perda) regarding large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) in DKI.

The plan to formulate this PERDA has a higher legal force than the existing Jakarta PSBB regulations. Namely, the Governor Regulation (Pergub) Number 88 of 2020.

Perda are drawn up by the legislative and executive. Unlike the governor's regulations, which are only made by the DKI Provincial Government as the executive.

"The DPRD will make a PSBB Regional Regulation through the DKI Jakarta DPRD initiative path. Not an executive proposal. All the requirements for formation will be discussed by the DPRD Regional Regulation Formation Body," Prasetio told reporters, Saturday, September 19.

Prasetio revealed that this plan was because he felt that he wasn't involved by the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, when he made PSBB regulations. Starting from the initial PSBB, transitional PSBB, to PSBB volume II.

"The DPRD is the executive partner to make and decide on every policy. Moreover, this is directly related to the community. It's for the sake of safety and public health during a pandemic like this," said Prasetio.

"But in fact, the DPRD has never been involved during the PSBB policy formulation. It is the same as in every previous policy," he continued.

However, based on the Article 239 of Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning the Regional Government, the DPRD could submit a new draft regional regulation under urgent circumstances.

"The Regional Government Law has regulated the formation of regional regulations based on initiatives outside the provincial government due to extraordinary circumstances or emergency status," he added.

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