JAKARTA - Chairman of the Golkar Party, Airlangga Hartarto, assessed that the general chairmen of political parties should meet to discuss the continuation of the proposed postponement of the 2024 General Election. According to him, discussions related to this need to be carried out. Because Airlangga said, Indonesia adheres to a system of deliberation and consensus. "This needs to be discussed by consensus between party leaders. We are not a western model, but an Indonesian model, people are for consensus, consensus for mutual cooperation," said Airlangga after meeting with Chairman of the NasDem party Surya Paloh at NasDem Tower, Central Jakarta, Thursday, March 10.

Even so, Airlangga has not explicitly stated Golkar's stance on the proposed 2024 election postponement, whether to reject or agree. Whereas previously Golkar considered that the proposal needed to be studied.

Airlangga only emphasized that the Golkar Party accommodates the aspirations of the people if there is such a proposal.

"We must understand what is called aspiration. Aspiration should not be rejected, let alone the voice of Golkar is the voice of the people," he said.

Moreover, said Airlangga, President Joko Widodo has clearly stated that every democratic aspiration must continue to grow. This proposal is part of democracy.

"So, of course, usually in certain cases, communication between political leadership parties is important," said Airlangga.

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